On The Ground




Alhamdulillah soon as I arrived we started with the Circumcision program in Salima with 2,300 operations, the operating team arrived from Turkey, this project was in partnership with ASUM of Malawi. The price for a single patient circumcision is £25.

I also attended Lip and Cleft Palate operations at Kamuzu Hospital, Lilongwe. 84 operations were performed. I was taken in the operating theatre to look at some of the operations and it was not easy as it was very emotional for me looking at children with lip and cleft issues. The cause of lip and cleft palate is due to lack of Folic Acid during pregnancies. The patients being operated are invited a week before so they can be malnourished with vitamins and iron. The aftercare is performed at Likuni Hospital. The cost of one operation is £100.

Within a fortnight of my arrival we inaugurated a new masjid in Ntachile, Chikuse, from then on headed to southern region of  Malawi to Ntchalo where a 20×24 meters masjid was in its final stages of completion which officially opened on 28 October 2022. While I was there we managed to successfully inaugurate five new masjids. I would Just like to point out the prices of raw materials has gone up rapidly. Current masjid new build price ranges from £9,000 up to £35,000 depending on size and location.

Alhamdulillah we built 22 Hand pump Water wells and 2 Bore hole water wells this year in different locations of Malawi where there was need for water. There are still plenty of areas where water wells are needed. Once again, the raw materials prices have increased. The current cost for hand pump water well is £950.

Our madrassas have now increased to 53 from 48, we currently have 2,700 children in our maktabs. During my visit, we built 2 new madrassa classes for Talimul Muslim sister. The madrassa uniform programme is still progressing well and we have initiated our maktab renovations program. We have also provided support for five ladies to attend an Alima course with Bilal Trust in  Blantyre. To educate a child in a makhtab costs £25. The cost of sponsoring a full maktab is £700. Our 2 Darul Ulooms are progressing well; we are currently building a new masjid at Linthipe Darul Uloom, the beginners start at Thete Darul Uloom and then progress further to Linthipe Darul Uloom. In total we currently have 140 Boarding students. The cost to sponsor a child for a year is £450.

By the grace of the Almighty, we have embarked upon sponsoring students for higher secular education, who cannot support themselves financially. This  project is selfsustaining and highly recommended for the benefit of the local communities. I had the chance to visit all the students sponsored by Dedza Welfare Trust, also visited {MUST} Malawi University of Science and Technology a very modern building with all the necessary Education technology and facilities. I also visited students at Blantyre Polytechnic. The cost for Higher Education is variable.

I visited the TMS madrassas where they are 170 students, while I was there DWT built two extra madrassa classes and also built 2 houses for the ustaads. TMS are a group of dedicated Muslim women who do fantastic field work in the rural villages; they give dawah and spread the word of Islam from village to village.

In 2022 we conducted two goat projects of 150 goats each with local charities, DWCT and An-Nasihah Trust, where we provide two female and one male goat. This project helps families to self-sustain. An excellent project. Feedback is also provided. The cost of this project is £110 for 3 goats.

This is another successful project helping locals to grow their own food; we provide them with fertilizer, hybrid seeds, vegetable seeds, and a hoe and urea fertilizer. Feedback is also provided. Once again with the current prices we have to increase the project price to £80.

Our network of volunteers and our respected trustees hard at work

One intention to help humanity in need. Kindly join us on this journey to make a difference in someone’s life. Together we can make a difference.



Volunteer, Brother Iqbal Makda has recently visited Malawi, working on the ground, in preparation for Ramadhaan 2018. View updates on the work he carried out below…

Our sincere gratitude to all our well wishers / volunteers and the generosity of all our donors without them all this would not have been possible. Jazak’Allah Khairun

Iqbal Bhai has just finished the distribution in Chintembwe, Dedza District Malawi.

The weather has not been kind, but Iqbal Bhai still enthusiastically carried on with the task of the final distribution to 70 families. This will feed approx 280 people for the month of Ramadan. Blankets were distributed to all the families. The blankets were locally donated.

*May Allah reward everyone involved in this rewarding work.*

Eid Vouchers


*Kindly view update from our Respected Secretary Iqbal Bhai Makda on the ground in Malawi. Handing-out of voucher tickets and sweets to be presented on our Eid/Eid Ul Fitr Distribution.* *Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s *



Visit to Malawi, February 2018 by our Respected DWT Trustee Altaf Sacranie.

Altaf Bhai expressed heartening and positive feedback on DWT Maqtabs, the cleaning of Dedza cemeteries, working together with Nuruhibukum Fil Islam Orphanage and the construction of Thete Masjid.

** Brief Update **

First we visited Linthipe Darul Uloom and then Likoloma Madressah. We then moved onto visiting Nampala Madressah and Chikondi Madressah.

This was then followed by Tawe Madressah, Dedza Old Qabrastaan, Dedza New Qabrastaan, Thete Madressah, Mbela Madressah, Mkwinda Madressah.

We then concluded the trip by returning to Lilongwe and meeting with DWT Malawi


Volunteer, Brother Ismail Alibhai has recently visited Malawi, working on the ground, in preparation for Ramadhaan 2019.

Our sincere gratitude to all our well wishers / volunteers and the generosity of all our donors without them all this would not have been possible. Jazak’Allah Khairun

DWT Maqtabs Malindima

*The efforts of our Respected Secretary relentlessly continue.

Tuesday 28/05/19 visiting one of our DWT Maqtabs Malindima. He is handing-out vouchers for our Eid/Eid ul Fitr Distribution for Sunday 02/06/19.*

*Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s.*

*Assalamualaikum All,*

*Here is update on Ramadhan 15 Day Food Pack Distribution 22/05/19.*

*This entire distribution was funded locally in Malawi by our Partners DWT Malawi.*

*Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s *

Matutu Distribution 10th May 2019

Update on a small Iftaar distribution conducted by our respected DWT Secretary Ismail Alibhai today Friday 10th May 2019. At Matutu Masjid Fatimah-E-Zahrah towards Mchinji in Malawi.*

*Partnered with An-Nasihah Trust Malawi*

*Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s *

TMS Distribution 11th May 2019

Assalamualaikum all

Update on a small Iftaar distribution conducted by our respected DWT secretary, Ismail Alibhai today on, Saturday 11th May 2019 at Talimul Muslim Sisters, in Malawi.

Jazakallah for your continued support and duas.

DWT Ramadan Iftaar Pack Distribution 5th May 2019

Approximately 9000 beneficiaries will benefit from food daily for the blessed month of Ramadhan. 1800 packs weighing 45.5kgs each were distributed. 18kgs with sweets of Eid packs will also be distributed a few days prior to Eid. All of this for a mere £35.

Jazakallah for your continued support and duas. 

IZF Education 16th May 2019

Update on a field trip by our Respected DWT Secretary Ismail Alibhai today on, Thursday 16/05/19. Visiting DWT part sponsored students of Islamic Zakat Fund in Namwera, Southern Malwai

Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s 

ICBM Education 17th May 2019

Assalamualaikum all

Update on a field trip by our Respected DWT Secretary Ismail Alibhai today FRIDAY 17/05/19. Visiting International College of Business Managment(ICBM) Partnered with Bilal Trust Malawi in Blantyre, Southern Malawi.

Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s 

** Self-Sustainability Project Update ** 

Assalamualaikum all

Update on a field trip by our respected DWT Secretary, Ismail Alibhai, today on, Thursday 16/05/19. Visiting DWT sponsored farmer’s pack recipients (self-sustainability project) in Namwera, Southern Malawi, Africa.

Jazakallah for your continued support and duas.

** DWT Mbuzi Goat Project 2019**


Self Sustainability Project Mbuzi/Goat Project completed today 30/04/19, in the prescence of our respected DWT Secretary, Ismail Alibhai. Jazak’Allah Khairun and Dua’s